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The Business Challenge: Saxbys faces limited brand consideration among the target audience (Boston University students). To increase its brand loyalty, Saxbys’ marketing efforts need to emphasize its student-run community across multiple channels. 

The Communications Objective: Increase consideration for Saxbys as the go-to coffeehouse on BU’s campus by highlighting its mission and community, to increase sales by 15% and grow engagement by 20% on Saxbys’ social content by July 2024, thereby increasing brand loyalty.

The Marketing & Media Strategy: To boost loyalty and consideration for Saxbys by spotlighting its student-run community across print & digital advertisements, and student-athlete partnerships.

The Human Insight: Students crave brands that feel more like a cool club. 

Saxbys Campaign Strategy
A cafe for students, by students


Yuchen (Cloris) Huang


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